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Planning Board Minutes 12/18/08

December 18, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Staff), Bradley Houseworth (Staff),      Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio)     Missy Taylor (Member),  Kathi Wasserloos (Member),  CR Willeke (Alternate)      
Member & Staff Absent:  Scott Burnside (Member),         Joe Koziell (Member)
Andrew Robblee (Chair),     Sandy Snow (Member),

CIP Members and Selectboard:    Neal Cass (Town Administrator)  
Mike Genest (Selectman)         Ron Haggett (CIP)       Ben Pratt (Chair)
Gordon Webber (Selectman)

Public Attendees:       Paul Vasques
Public Meeting: Ex-Officio Pro Tems Schacht convened the public meeting of the CIP, Selectmen, and the Planning Board at 5:00 pm. He appointed Mr. Willeke to sit for the absent Mr. Burnside.

CIP Meeting:  The Capital Improvement Program Committee presented their summary of capital request for 2009 – 2014. The capital improvement program is designed to help the town plan its spending on capital items for the upcoming six years. Missy Taylor had prepared a PowerPoint Presentation with charts and graphs that clearly illustrated the program summary. There was an accompanying handout that mirrored the PowerPoint.

After the presentation, there was a short discussion of future improvements for the CIP (such as: more input from department heads and a greater vision of the six-year plan).

Mr. Willeke moved to approve the recommendations of the CIP committee. It was seconded by Ms. Taylor and unanimously approved by all. The recommendations now go to the Selectboard for their approval.

The CIP committee thanked the Planning Board and Selectboard for attending the meeting.

A short break was taken.

Ex-Officio ProTems Schacht continued the Planning Board meeting at 7:15.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes: Ms. Wasserloos moved to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2008 Board meeting as presented. Ms. Taylor seconded the motion and the minutes were approved by all members.  

Public Hearings:  NONE
Business Meeting:
Review the Proposed Changes to the ‘Antrim Zoning Ordinances’ for March ’09     Town Meeting- Review the Public Notice for the 1st Public Hearing for Zoning Ordinance Changes

The Public Notice will be posted in the Ledger/Transcript for the 12/26/08 edition.
The Public Notice will state the following:
1.  Changes to Article V, C.1, e. & f. - Highway Business - Side & Rear Yard Setbacks
2.  Changes to Article XI-A - Shoreland Protection District
3.  Changes to Article XIV-B Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF)
4.  Establish an Article XIV-D - Small Wind Energy Systems

And the following changes to the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations;
Changes to Section IV (Procedures) for Subdivision & Site Plan Review requirements

A short discussion concerning the proposed changes to the Antrim Zoning Ordinance ensued. Some of the topics for the present and future proposals were as follows:
·       the noise level of multiple wind turbine generators
·        definition of a  'small' wind energy generator
·       ordinance for outdoor furnaces
·       need to look at the Town of Lempster Zoning Ordinance and how  wind turbines fit into their  wind turbine ordinance
·        cell tower and radio frequencies

 Paul Vasques, interim Town Planner - Mr. Houseworth explained that Mr. Vasques (retired Town of Antrim Town Planner) would return for a short time to assist in the Planning Department and aid in the hiring and transition of a new Town Planner.    

Review the Proposed Changes to the ‘Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations’  
Section IV (Procedures) of the proposed Subdivision regulations will be reviewed. The first Public Hearing is scheduled for January 8, 2008 at a regular Planning Board meeting.  Mr. Houseworth stated the importance of the Board's role in the planning process. He explained that the new Innovative Land Use Guide should be a useful tool in developing regulations and encouraged Board members to read through it. The proposed changes to the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Requirements and the proposed changes to the Antrim Zoning Ordinance will be sent to Town Counsel in order to assure proper wording.

Master Plan – Chapter Review Session
Ms. Taylor asked for comments for any of the proposed chapters.
Current Land Use
Mr. Willeke felt that a map of Antrim's state bridges and road classification definitions should be included. The Board agreed that these additions would be advantageous.

Future Land Use
There was a short discussion concerning the most suitable location for future commercial development in the Town of Antrim.  Some members felt that commercial development in one specific area can be a disadvantage, as traffic issues can be problematic.  Access management was discussed, particularly in limiting the number of curb cuts onto a major route.
Ms. Taylor asked that the Board continue to review the draft Master Plan and to contact her with any suggested changes. When the draft is final, a Public Hearing will be necessary.    

Status of the Conditions of Approval for In’Ex Homes, LLC Major Subdivision off Pleasant Street  
In'Ex Homes would like to excavate gravel and have the subdivision mylar signed.  For either of these to occur, the conditions of the Notice of Decision of June 4, 2008 must be satisfied. Mr. Houseworth has reviewed the 16 conditions and has commented in bold the necessary action to make in order to satisfy the condition. The Board reviewed each of the conditions - item by item and understands the status In'Ex homes.

Underwood Engineers – Project Update of Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision
Peter Pitsas had sent an updated Subdivision Site Visit Checklist for the Planning Department Staff and Planning Board to review. There are numerous issues which should have been addressed previous to the sale of five (5) lots. The Board reviewed the letter and punch list of unsatisfied items and understand the status of Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision,  

NH DES – Governor Lynch’s Executive Order 2008-10 – Deferral of new state-aid grants   FYI

Article - Flawed Processes, Flawed Results, a Potential Solution - A Constructive Critique of Outmoded Subdivision Ordinance Provisions,” by Randall Arendt, FRTPI

Code Enforcement:
Clingenpeel – Miscellaneous materials, junk, garbage, and animal control issues

At 9:00 pm, Mrs. Wasserloos moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Willeke, and unanimously agreed upon by all.  Ex-Officio Pro Tems Schacht  adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant  
On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board